For everyone who liked Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, don't bother buying the sequel.
The sequel took Starkiller, already brimming with just the right mix of power and reality, and poured ridiculous amounts of force power into him, creating a double-lightsabered character that was rather bland in both gameplay and storyline. They took a unique concept for gameplay and storyline an turned it into a poorly-coded, linear pathway of a game.
You know the standard "Beat up all the enemies, move to the next room, beat up all the enemies, rinse, repeat" game formula? That's what they turned it into, just with a few lavish cutscenes that do nothing to help the rather boring storyline. Starkiller is either talking normally or SCREAMING. There is no in-between, and he has the emotional range of a lightswitch. Depressed or enraged. There are no new characters, no new gameplay....nothing really happens, and it's painfully short. I wouldn't even be so unhappy if they didn't turn what was potentially the last amazing game of '10 into the epitome of mediocrity. It was pretty. It was boring. 5.5/10.